Things you can use to educate your children outside of school 

Things you can use to educate your children outside of school 

As important as school is, this isn’t the only place that your children will learn. In fact, their minds are constantly developing and growing, which means that they are constantly learning as they interact with the world around them. This means that you need to foster your child’s learning outside of school hours too. Don’t worry, you need to buy a chalkboard and start conducting lessons at home. You simply need to use some or all of these tools available to you! 

Free kids cartoons

Not only can cartoons be a source of fun and entertainment for your children, but also an educational tool too. To this day, stories are used as a teaching device to pass on important life lessons in a format that is easily absorbed and interesting. Cartoons do the same thing, with just a little more color and movement. They will teach your children important lessons like how to share, what it means to be a good friend, the difference between right and wrong, and much more. These lessons will be invaluable to your children as they grow up. 

Educational apps

Apps aren’t just a way to kill time when you’re travelling or on the toilet. The right can actually be a great tool to further your child’s education. For younger children, there are apps that will help to identify colours, patterns, words, numbers, and more. Older children, can better their language skills or even further their knowledge of maths or science. 

Board games

Board games are both fun and educational. Take a certain popular property trading game for example. Whilst being fun and sometimes argument fuel, it also teaches children how to use money, assesses the value of something, problem solve, and how to work towards an objective. This is just one example of how board games can teach your children important lessons outside of the classroom. 

Playing with other children

Social interaction is essential for the development of a child. It teaches them how to interact with others, build relationships, resolve conflict, and other important social skills that will help them throughout their lives. So, don’t be afraid to let them hang out with their friends, go to sleepovers, have play dates, and more. 

Spending time with family

Family has a funny way of rubbing off on children and with a little guidance, you can make sure that it’s for the better. Uncles, aunts, grandparents, and more can all teach your children important things from their lives, games, and other useful tips and tricks. A close relationship with family gives your children a network of support that they can depend on as they get older. 


If you want to give your children a well-rounded education, make sure to use the tips and tools that we’ve outlined in this guide. 
